PESO (or paid, earned, shared and owned) has been around for a few years, originally created Gini Dietrich, it has been growing in profile. Last week I was watching the Twitter and Periscope feeds from the Future Comms 2015 event where there was a panel discussion on PESO and someone (Danny Whatmough, I think) said that… [Read More]
#PRStack – a crowd sourced reference book for PRs
How-to’s are growing in popularity. According to the Hobson and Holtz Report FIR (#808) from earlier this week research by Google found that searches for how-to videos on YouTube are up 70%, year on year. A few months ago I asked Stephen Waddington if I could do a guest post on his blog. Always ahead of the curve,… [Read More]
Using Google Analytics to measure outcomes against your PR objectives
Is this relevant to you: · Are you interested in knowing more about what people do when they see your proactive PR outreach? · Do you have a specific goal in mind when you plan an outreach campaign? · Does that goal involve some sort of interaction on your web properties? If the answer is… [Read More]
Using Google Analytics to track PR outreach & outcomes
In my previous blog post I referred to an experiment I was running with Google Analytics for a guest blog post I was writing. This has just been published and many thanks to Stephen Waddington for using the article. It can be found here under the title ‘How-to use Google Analytics to track public relations… [Read More]
Link Tagging & Goal Conversions in Google Analytics
This is a brief post just to record my thanks for clicking on the Twitter link! This will record a positive result against a Google Analytics record of activity from Twitter on this blog and will be used in a guest blog I am writing on how to create link tags and goal tracking. I… [Read More]