“Advancements continue to be made in measurement and evaluation, a longstanding hot topic and an identified area for improvement in public relations and related practices.” That’s the opening lines from Jim Macnamara review of three of the latest models available here https://instituteforpr.org/latest-evaluation-models-uk-government-evaluation-cycle-eu-guidelines-and-more/ Alternatively, if you prefer a podcast version… (Credit: Google NotebookLM, AI generated –… [Read More]
7 habits of highly effective media analysts
This guest post from AMEC colleague @stephbridgeman outlines the points she made at a Measurement Month event hosted by Smoking Gun PR in Manchester in September 2016. —————- I was delighted to agree to talk at Smoking Gun’s event on 8th September 2016 at Smoking Gun PR, especially as the agency’s MD Rick Guttridge was… [Read More]
5 Steps to (more) Successful Media Evaluation
Set SMART Objectives. Set your objectives at the start of a campaign because too much media evaluation and measurement is done at the end. So much more can be learned by beginning the evaluation process when the campaign objectives are set. Make your objectives SMART. Here’s a blog post on what SMART objectives are and… [Read More]
Your campaign versus the world
The world is an unpredictable place and no amount of planning will get your story to the top if news of other events take precedent. One of the points covered in AMEC’s (International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication) revamped Barcelona Principles 2.0 was this concept of the analysis of the wider media environment… [Read More]
Twitter Influence –Is it really that easy?
I was reading this post featuring ‘20+ Social Media Hacks and Tips From the Pros’ and Number 8 by Mark Schaefer (@markwschaefer) sounded interesting. He gives a cunningly simple technique to figure if someone is influential on Twitter beyond a simple gauge of their Followers. We all know Follower number can be gamed. I think the going… [Read More]