Earlier this week the CIPR Marcomms Group hosted an evening discussion on measurement as part of AMEC’s Measurement Month. The event at the CIPR in London hosted 4 speakers, being: Richard Bagnall, AMEC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PRIME Research (UK) Giles Peddy, Group Managing Director, Lewis, Jerry Ward, Managing Director, Press Data Stuart Bruce… [Read More]
An idea….the PESTO Model
This is my first blog in a while (sorry blogging gods). I regret this but have my reasons. Over the years I have been writing blogs and they have proved a positive influence and added order to the chaos. I have been meaning to write a blog post (for ages) on PESO (Paid, Earned, Social… [Read More]
Why Google is making the PESO model more relevant to PR
The PESO model has been gathering interest in the PR world since Ginni Dietrich‘s (at Spin Sucks) seminal work in 2014. It covers the main channel forms open to PR. Its important because it segments them for the digital age. Let me explain…. Its mainly because it builds in a consideration for paid exposure within the PR… [Read More]
5 Steps to (more) Successful Media Evaluation
Set SMART Objectives. Set your objectives at the start of a campaign because too much media evaluation and measurement is done at the end. So much more can be learned by beginning the evaluation process when the campaign objectives are set. Make your objectives SMART. Here’s a blog post on what SMART objectives are and… [Read More]
Don’t be afraid of PR’s brave new world
Since I have become involved with the CIPRs Marcomms group I have managed to dodge getting too closely involved in organising an event. The group has its AGM at the start of the year and decided to host it at the CIPR in London. At last years event they also had a couple of speakers to… [Read More]