Why do you do PR? Stupid question, aye? To claim a salary or issue an invoice?
‘Yes’, but ‘no’.
You also do it to enact a change based on organisational objectives, in marketing speak. But did it help? (More marketing speak…) what were the campaign objectives and were they measurable?
In PR there are a lot of things which come under ‘easier said than done’. For many, making your campaign objectives measurable is one such thing.
But here is an idea which might just help you out. Step-away and imaging what ‘success’ might look like? It might be getting more referral traffic, wider appreciation of a policy, excitement around a new product and sales.
You know what resources you have. And the time frame. Imaging success makes you balance these with what is reasonable. Imaging success tends not to end in a vision of the unobtainable. It is a practical quiz ending in a pragmatic position.
This realistic vision of success is also useful as an end-point against which to hang ‘things’ to help you get there. That’s the important bit. Would it be helpful to be featured by certain influencers or media sources and will this lead to more traffic or referrals, etc. It helps set sub-targets, yardsticks to be met over time.
Your campaign will be unique from any other before. Therefor this process needs to happen from scratch each time. BUT (and it’s a massive BUT) the important thing is you will get better at it each time you do it.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Also, do subscribe for future updates. Many thanks!
Photo credit: http://www.psthatslife.com/perfect-moment/
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