Apples stock price has fallen some 40% in the last six months and its fair to say the iPhone 5 experiences have been mixed. So is the media still fixated with what in the past was called the ‘god device’?
This charts sets out the relative use of the term ‘iPhone’ for the 3 main markets. There is an unmistakable drop in use over the last 2 years or so.
Who is the ascendancy? This next chart takes the world-wide media use of the terms Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy.
The Samsung Galaxy, like many other devices use the Android operating system. Interestingly this is referred to far more than any handset.
Staying with the Apple iPhone comparison theme, where is its standing compared to the newest device to hit the market, the Google Glass?
The iPhone is very strong brand and largely made Apple into (depending on how you measure it) the worlds largest company. The tide is undoubtedly turning; the media are talking, but about other things and Apple will have to try hard to regain the media momentum lost over the last 18 months.
*Data Source: Factive, Inc
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