I am looking for someone to help me with a massive business oportunity just waiting for someone to get the right product in front of the PR community(and others!). All you got to do is come up with a way of monitoring YouTube and the like…
In effect you will have to perfect a voice recognition system encapsulating multiple dialogue and dialect as well as having a method of recognising visuals. This could range from partically audable comment through to mostly clear visuals.
In our lifetime I doubt it will happen and I appologise for the rather cute way of introducing an increasingly pressing challenge to PR analysis sector. You might think there are voice recognition systems available but these have been proved to be unreliable by among others PR Week. The traditional way of approaching it has been to ignor it, but that seems risky.
Take an example of someone who puts together a daily weblog diary. What about if he or she works for a London based removals firm and happens to mention in passing that a load of trucks have been booked to help with a move at Downing Street in July. Among the hundreds and thousands of video postings it would go unwatched and although being in the public domain, it never gets noticed.
I am sure that our inability to effectivley monitor this increasinglty important form of media is resulting in many stories being missed, although tracking through a non-human method seems to be a chimera.
The problem with million dollar ideas is they usually take a million dollars. This is a great one and would be very lucrative if you could pull it off without the voice sounding like complete android.
I’ve been looking for a solution…