Dramatic news on broadband adoption for the UK. eMarketeer has found that the UK’s take up of broadband services is picking up speed and the number of households taking the service is only narrowly behind Germany and France in Europe. Importantly as a percentage of the number of households the UK is way ahead of its European contemporaries and is fourth in the world behind South Korea, Canada and Japan.
eMarketeer say that this has largely be achieved by a virtuous combination of strong consumer purchasing power and reducing charges. The study indicates that the younger generations take ‘always on’ connection for granted and regard it as a virtual playground. For the rest of us, it is for making purchases, collecting information and doing work. All generations are partaking with one in four internet users being over 50.
What does the future hold. Projection are within four years broadband penetration will have reached 76.8% (20 million)of homes. Can there be a more candid sets of results to anyone in PR needing convincing about the importance of online sources.
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