I have been thinking about the expression ‘analysis paralysis’ and how useful research really is. How about this for a quote:
“Research ! A mere excuse for idleness; it has never achieved, and will never achieve any results of the slightest value” — Benjamin Jowett (1817-93), British theologian.
Possibly a bit jaundice but relevant? Taking a pragmatic approach and after talking to people in the industry it is often very clear that the flip side – gut feeling, still gets a good look in.
For the record, Wikipedia defines it as: “Analysis paralysis is an informal phrase applied to when the opportunity cost of decision analysis exceeds the benefits. Analysis paralysis applies to any situation where analysis may be applied to help make a decision and may be a dysfunctional element of organizational behavior. Often phrased as paralysis by analysis, in contrast to extinction by instinct.”
‘Extinction by instinct: that’s one to note!
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